The Dulles supposedly assured Hitler he would receive the funds necessary to be installed as Chancellor of Germany, if he promised to repay the debts. Nathan replied something to the effect of The Bank of England refused to take by bills, so I will not keep theirs. A meeting was quickly called and they decided that from then on the Bank of England would be pleased to cash any Rothschild check Nathans firm was named N.M. Rothschild and Sons. It would be called National Socialism . The ex-illuminati member believed that when Satan no longer had need for the body of his anti-christ he would discard It with death and find another willing soul to sacrifice his bodily control to the devil. The Emperor wished to use the Rothschilds courier/agent system to reiay this message to England. He was born Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, on April 29, 1936. He did a large amount of direct business with the English treasury. #1 Edmond did not want Herzl in control. the>>> URANTIA BOOK<<