custodial interference massachusetts

They are court ordered in a very specific parenting plan. Im scared hell hurt her or worse run away w her!! sh has now moved to where i live brought him there are no papers yet but shes telling everyone im going to jail and has threatened to kill herself via text then doesnt remember doing it can i get full custody based on their history and her mental instability she has charges against her for child abuse and hes been arrested several times recently im terrified if i let her see them shell take them and run shes homeless 6 months pregnant jobless and doesnt think he will harm the children but people keep telling me hes nuts and if i get her to notarize a document stating she will grant me full custody untill a court decides on custody in exchange for visitation will the poli ce enforce it. The system doesnt care about the kids at all. control me. I finally found my son back in He managed to be most of the time on time , sometimes late but he is doing is best because he doesent want to get in trouble . On my last visitation, 2 weeks ago, I had to, yet again, contact the Sherriffs office because my daughters step-mother had taken my daughter out of town (knowing ofcourse that it was my weekend). Get an attorney on this and proceed forward otherwise you may find yourself in a battle as myself thinking you are dealing with someone who may still be civil yet has gone off the deep end a long time ago. I do have visitation, its not much but it isnt enforced. A child needs their father in the lives just as much as their mothers. The Court has been lenient with him letting his father be the supervisor, he doesnt need to take that for granted or it wont be that easy on him next time. She has a medical condition. Is it parental interference if there is no court order and we havent been here 6 months? Please, someone offer some help! My son needs to know if he has to let his daughter(she is 8 month old) go with her mother if the mother comes to pick her up for her timeshare when the mother is accompanied by a registered sex offender?? In the agreement I was to have private phone time with my children, and face to face time via Skype. A judge begins to take into consideration childs interests at 14. In AZ if the parents are not married the mother has sole custody unless the father files for paternity. My ex husband refuses to let my son and daughter who is 5 to call me during the night. Can my family keep my kids from me because I went to detox. Help ! Today I received (from a different judge than weve had in the past) an Order Denying Prima Facie Case For Evidentiary Hearing. She now lives on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota with her mother and for the last two years she has forbidden O. Sr. to visit or have contact with O. Jr. We have gone to numerous court sessions on the reservation and even with 2 separate court orders allowing O. Sr. to see O. Jr. signed by Indian Reservation Judge no visit has been enforced. Click on my name and go to that web site its not mine it says framed fathers but its for all parents whose children are being kept away from them illegally. I know it sounds like a stupid question but I want to be sure that he cant take my child away from me. She had him 2 days a week for visits, and I have the rest of the time. Its insane. This can be especially important if you have concerns about your safety or your childs safety. I work out of town, normally anywhere from 200 miles to sometimes over 1200 miles from home. I have ever been away from my children for more than 3 days and not being around them is klling me. He had been trying to find her for years. I live in Ohio and was recent given full custody of my daughter by mutual agreement. The child is a boy, and his dad is his hero. is that true what the girls said. I dont think its appropriate to share the details with the kids, so I didnt talk to either of my daughters about what was in the restraining order. the mom just hasnt put them in school. is not something that normally happens) Well I figured its my story my We saw the child (Dylan) about 4 times and gave her mom a check each time we saw her. Example: Taking my kids out of the designated area & having my kids lie. If not, then you need to get together with her/her attorney and negotiate a temporary consent order whatever that turns out to be will weigh heavily when you get into Court. He has been in the childrens life since they were born. My son was very upset and keeps telling me he would cry at daddys and want to come home but daddy would say no. If it is supervised visitation why are you concerned about him delivering the child? Heard nothing which was very strange boys dont like going usually get called to come get someone early. Each county has a law library you look up legitimation and custody, read it, search online, see if anyone at the web site linked on my name (not my site, but they have a lot of resources for my state at least). I still dont believe he would get custody, unless it can be shown that the children are being physically and or mentally abused by you. You will need to go back to court on a contempt charge against her. Stop thinking that you as a mother are more important then fathers. furthermore, in my state you would be entitled to make-up visitation time for the time you lost in the summer through no fault of your own. What should I do? She threatens that she will have me charged with medical neglect. If so he can never return. I hope this helps. What if there is no custody agreement. I have paid child support when humanly possible. Constant custodial interference I have to boys, 14 & 10, My children reside in IL, the court order and my ex live in AZ. But, a TPO (temporary protective order) sounds reasonable that should protect you for 30 days then you have a hearing and present your case and if the Judge finds cause, it will become a Restraining Order and if they ever bother you again, its aggravated stalking. These kids need both parents and I think if one I dont care who plays games they should lose all rights. I reported to the doctor how I felt we was in imminent danger Before I left she disappeared again for months, never making request to see him at all for supervised visitations, but she posted pictures of herself on Facebook at the night clubs and house parties, when she should of been seeing her son. apparently he just left the city last night went to houstan, and is on his way to his aunties house in Mississippi. If you have that intimate time with them it is a treasure you can share with them when it truly means something to them. The first is the mother would give up her rights as being custodial as the second is that she is unfit and the child is in danger. Even then, Id watch her like a hawk because she may just be crazy enough to take him out of the country. App. I was domestically violated by my boyfriend (ex-boyfriend now). Trust me it will go a long way with her. No one has tried to protect me or my children. He has stated more than once he wants to terminate his rights but in NC he cant voluntarily do that unless theres another man ready and willing to adopt. In what way is your dad abusing you? Its all a ploy of his to get back at my daughter. It is only july now. She used to take us to court every month for random reason and somehow she got to the point where she see him every other weekends , all holidays , and 6 weeks in the summer . Her mother then decided to not let my husband (Randy) ever see her again and hand wrote a letter to tell us that. The only thing in your above comment that is troubling is that he gave your 4 year old PTSD and coached him to lie. my question to you is my brother is a sex offender. The noncustodial parent does have a say in those areas, and the court can enfore those things. was 15. Is there anything I can do to get her back prior to waiting 6-8 weeks for a hearing as I fear for her safety? Try to remember that your kids love their Father, as they love you and you have had all he time with them exclusively for yourself. Unemployment is a source of income so the courts should have calculated that as her income or they usually will input minimum wage times 40 hours to come up with the support amount if one of the parents does not work unless one can prove that they cant work. - MOST IMPORTANTLY- My ex picked up my children from a sitters without my permission. My daughter has asked me to file for custody which i am in the process of doing, Aside from the abuse told to me in my daughters letters and phone conversations Do I have grounds for parental alienation. The paternal grandmother along with her son my ex took me to court for years doing everything to find me unfit, The Judges dismissed me, never asked me any question, 730 evaluations were in my favor but I know by hearing it !st hand from my ex his parents bribed the judges, attorney and evaluator to all go in their favor. He acted up on the way home from school, hit a few kids and the bus driver and grabbed the wheel of the bus. (1) A person commits the offense of custodial interference if, knowing that the person has no legal right to do so, the person takes, entices, or withholds from lawful custody any child, incompetent person, or other person entrusted by authority of law to the custody of another person or institution. I dont think its unreasonable to meet him halfway to exchange the children between you. It would be better if you stay calm and show your daughter how a man who loves her acts. How do I get around that? Your son should seek an order from the court immediately which prohibits any registered sex offender, namely the person in question, from being present during any visitations. Anyone know if this is correct? Thank you for your time. when I reached sa turns out hes in jail for robbing a walgreens. His dad first of all start seeing him without me knowing it, them he has withdrawed him out of school and placed him in school near him, again without me knowing. The same with dropping off. Unlawful visitation or parenting time interference. I went to the circuit clerk and he said I couldnt sign a warrant on her because it is a FELONY! The order instructs that she MUST inform me on all matters about the children and work with me in the best interests of the children. Did I do the right thing by not sending him back? I had plans to go out of state for Thanksgiving. Once you've filed for custody, you must let the other parent know that you've filed a complaint for custody with the court. The mother has now changed her residence and we dont know where she lives. It may also be interference with custody if they have done this on more than one occasion. That I have been trying to help him with over the last 3 years, he start running away, then got physical with me, skipping classes, and even breaking in our home stealing my laptop, game systems, jewelry. The divorce decree ordered her to maintain their two childrens residence in the Texas county where they lived (or an adjacent county) for four years. I would ask her what does she want because youll be going to court for visitation what would make her happy. 265, 27a (2010). i want to sue for damaging our bond mother and son. or will it be supervised? We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on . I live in California. It hurts me to see my daughter hurt! That would devastate any child. Call today for an initial consultation! Mother will most likely not be criminally charged. In that time he met his ex-girlfriend, S.R., with whom he has a 5 year old son, Jr. O., with. How can something be illegal and NOT ENFORCEABLE by the police????? A single mother to child is when a the father of the child have no connections, when the father does not communicate to the child nor does he pay child support. I dont like to suggest any one lawyer, but in your case this group may be your best bet. Can he get a custody hearing in 5 weeks and take my son? Does the court order state Especially since she has no address of her own. can my mom get into trouble? Moreover, It is my best interest (and I believe my sons best interest) to let me have the primary custody. He also brought her back to me after 7 hours with a very dirty diaper in that 7 hours he changed her once and the diaper was so dirty and soggy that it took several wipes and a little pressure to clean it off of her! I took the girls home (their custodial home).They finally went fell asleep at midnight waiting for their mother to call. It has been 9 days now. Out of all 3 of these investigations I received letters stating that no evidence was found. On several occasions I have also, within the past 2 years, had to call our local Sherriff to order my ex to obey the court order for my weekend and summer visitations . Im not a lawyer or a psychologist, but I have volunteered with battered women for 20 years. Learn how to do things independent for you. Thanks to you for keeping the community active, for answering each other's questions, and for supporting as a place for uniquely candid family law discussions. Did I go to open house, parent-teacher conference, volunteer, etc. Also, will the judge agree to revoke the signed consent letter that I gave her to travel out of the country with my daughter for her not honoring her verbal agreement after I had made reservations at a restaurant and had 20 guests attending? He also sounds controlling and at least emotionally and verbally abusive contact your local domestic violence hotline and they can assist you with legal help and/or access to a lawyer, I should know my hubbys ex here in wa is making all kinds of false restraining orders crying on demand in court getting help for false domestic violence when we have not been near her or her house since July 2102. That if the plan says they should be here, they should be here, regardless of if the 12 year old wants to. She pays her rent and works hard because her biological Mother was a addict and she knows how that effects a child. She has put Randy in jail 3 times. More importantly, even if the non-custodial parent wasnt paying anything- the non-custodial parent still has equal access to his/her child! If you are concerned about getting in trouble talk to your ex if possible about the situation. We are desperate and simply do not know what to do. and during their visitation time they are responsible (unless otherwise noted on your court order) to take the child to school or pick them up. She has been very combative. I open the door to find city police at my door step asking if the children were there. CPS decided it was still safe for him to visit with his dad and when I went to pick him up from visitation, he had two black eyes and bruises head to toe. The daycare provider has altered documents and lied for my ex in order to benefit his custody case. Janice. Leaving Massachusetts: family law advocacy for low and moderate income litigants, 3d ed. My sister has moved many times with out letting her daughters father know an has changed her number with out informing the father they have joint custody can this be considered kidnapping we live I If she can afford an attorney you better find a real good fathers rights attorney and make sure they will fight for your benefit which may have to include a modification of visitation including a clause for penury should she violate the court order again. Divorce decree assigned father as residential parent with joint custody allowing mother to have visitations on weekends. She has been visiting her dad for the last year in Hawaii. We have a very happy stable home for him and are seeking the advise of a lawyer, however, we are broke and are getting a cheap lawyer. And come to find out all I had to do is take the money orders to the court and they would have released him but his lawyer told me to do otherwise. I felt like I was fighting the entire world. then it is willful contempt. Being a great divorced father : real-life advice from a dad who's been there, Building a parenting agreement that works: child custody agreements step by step. My ex and I have been divorced for over 3 years now. My son is 15 and the only communication regarding picking up and dropping off goes through my son. I think if this is true she should keep her mouth shut and not to continue the rumor? You may be asked to meet with a trained court staff person who will try to help you and the other parent come to an agreement. His visitation is for 6 hours, and the kids are to be home at 7pm. It is actually you, at this stage who is doing the controlling, because you were given way too much control by the court to begin with. My ex can make the exact claim as you that I havent seen them in months and the kids dont want to go with me. She is 12. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Once, I went to pick up my son and his dad drop-kicked a puppy across the street for chewing up his shoe. She didnt give me one day if court ordered visitation. You can get your state code online. Even if you were in that state, chances are you would not qualify as your son is too old according to the courts. If you want custody, provide the stable environment. thanks. At my fathers request and convincing, I allowed my son to remain in Florida to finish out the school year, as well as remain for part of summer vacation, to be returned to me in early august. That should be the same in all states. My sons grandmother, Symone, on his fathers side took my two-month old son Tuesday before last. The worst part is that he now has my daughter brainwashed, to the point that she says things like we (meaning her and her dad) are a team, we are moving on, and we dont want mom to come around. She has also accused me of killing her dad by stressing him out because he asked me to move back in to help with the bills and I refused. Will her denying me of this right after she gave me her verbal consent be held against her when we go to our court hearing even though I did not sign the consent papers but both our lawyers were on the call when she gave her verbal agreement? What are my sons rights in this situation? a family friend who was babysitting my child for me took my child and gave him to his biological father without my permission bc she knew we were moving out of state, the father has had very limited contact with the child during his 4 years of life. A few months later I was told he had moved. Make peace. I would love to take my kids with me, but the way he wants it, I cant go with or without my kids because I have to sit here in Texas with them waiting for him to pick them up Thursday???? She is not helping him at all and I wonder how long she has been a lawyer because she doesnt seam to know much. Given the childs age, diapers and formula would be appropriate to have on hand too. Once these men realize what the game is, they split. We have 2 children and we filled out the timeshare as to holidays and summer visitations. So the question is Who is playing Whom? She never answered calls or messages. Should I be worried about custody? Understand he will have to do the same. About a year ago he said he wanted me to pick our daughter up at school on the fridays starting his visitation weekend and he wanted me to pick her up where he lives at a walmart on the sunday ending his visitation. She filed an order to comply. She is essentially homeless and lives with her boyfriend. I have sole custody and have given him a full itinerary and how he can call me and what visitations days he will miss and that he is can make them up if he wants. I was concerned about him not bringing her back the first visit but he gave me an excuse why he couldnt so i had to get her! For the past five years she has made excuses and has only allowed me to see my children from time to time. If you call 911 and they came out great but did you also call CPS? I dont think its safe for him to be with her. If this situation was reversed my husband would be in jail the minute he was found, I am a father I have a13 year old daughter, your civil rights have been taking away from us most of all your GOD giving rightts have been taking away because of mothers games and the judge being bias.The mother has used my identity to get in my bank account in my verizon account.shes getting away with it. One year ago my sister groomed my then 17 year old daughter to become her friend, her ally, then her drinking buddy. The truth is opposite. If he runs with the child, its kidnapping. My son had been staying up unil 3 in the morning texting, on facebook, on twitter, skype, etc. And is this a form of custodial interferance? So Randy fired her and got a court appointed attorney. Just a suggestion/opinion. We saw the child (Dylan) about 4 times and gave her mom a check each time we saw her. I feel for yaall, even the fathers that are trying to be good men to their kidsI wish with all my breath that my son had a father like that. Also the new guys job may require relocation at some point and the ex will do everything he can to stop it he actually told me to take him to court if I wanted to take my daughter on vacation to China. What can I file to protect myself from custodial interference? What is upsetting is, my exhusband isnt going with them and isnt allowed to leave the united states. Me and the other parent went to the custodial parents house and it was deserted! I have court papers with a judges signature. In the order, he is supposed to have reasonable access by phone but every morning before I go to work and every evening before we go to bed is excessive. My sons father gets our son every weekend from fridays at two to mondays at two. The mother is now keeping them from us by saying the 3 and 4 year olds are grounded or sick or the kids want to do something els. . My husband brought her with them to care for our son. I had to call Sheriffs Department and they told me to find out where this woman lived because they couldnt find herBloomington IN everyone, watch out! Other than custodial interference with my daughter what concerns/charges could I bring up with Friend of the Court as far as my son goes? Can I win the case? I called the police and expland the sit. Whos responsibility is it? all states have adopted the UCCJA (Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act) which considers the childs home the state in which the child has lived in for the past six months. hey i have a question if a father has stop communications with me and only attempts to contact me when he is made feel horrible for not seeing his kid for over 3.5 years and then breaks promises to see a daughter since she was 18 months and in the last six months has almost stop paying his child support of $52 a week do i have a leg to stand on to take his fatherly rights from him when all he does is use the title of a father like a trophy? Going usually get called to come get someone early these kids need both parents and have! Parent with joint custody allowing mother to have private phone time with my daughter what concerns/charges could I up. Is true she should keep her mouth shut and not being around them is klling me you as mother... 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